

And now, the end. I’ll be burning these letters shortly- I can’t leave some of the things which I haven’t typed lying around- and then I’ll be on my way. Here’s the last letter in this modest stack. It’s rather funny- its author is Nathaniel- and it goes as follows:

If all goes according to plan- and this other universe contains a version of myself with a good sense of humor- this message will reach a number of Runners. Of course, my other self will have been employed by the same forces which drive me- probably after working for various others. At the end of this, he’ll be free to go and return to his work for his master, whichever one he’s chosen. I’m afraid I don’t have the same luxury.

The point of these things was never to provide advice, of course- anyone can see how contradictory and strange these letters probably appear. They’re useless, in the end. Heed their warnings or don’t- it doesn’t really matter. This was all just a chance to open up a rift, to say hello, and to let your imagination bring it upon yourselves.

Even if you can’t name it and don’t want to try, you can feel it now. From now on, my master will be in your thoughts. Which means the end- or is it?- is already coming.



Carol. As follows:

I’m afraid there isn’t much time left. There’s a sort of distortion in the Empty City, a wound in its fabric, and it’s supposed to lead to another universe. If this works, Jack was telling the truth, and someone will be able to read this. And if it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter.

I wanted to make something big and comprehensive that would help people like us, but out of the people we could find who can write English, hardly anyone wrote anything and I’ve had to throw out a lot of these letters as useless or crazy. Some of them are blank, and others were perfect but disappeared. I don’t know how many letters I have left, or even how many I’ll have by the time I throw them all in.

I’m sorry I couldn’t get anything better together. People are dying, and I don’t have time to explain anything. I just hope whatever I have here can help you.


Jeremiah, as follows:

Was it the right choice, to walk through that door and not stay where the Earth was being torn apart? If we stayed, maybe we’d be dead now, and left in the hands of God. Or maybe we’d be in paradise.

I ran, and now I’m in Limbo. In hindsight, this was a classic temptation. Everyone has their own words for these things, but it’s clear that there are demons at work, and they’ve been dropping like flies.

We’ve been forsaken, because we chose to run from the end of the world. This place is a haven of false gods and black hearts. I’ve spoken to a man half my age who claims to be one of these demons. He called himself the master of none.

I feel as if I’m the only person in this madness who had a chance for salvation. But even here, I know my presence serves a purpose. Though they refuse to listen to me, I preach to them daily. And here the opportunity comes to me, to pass my words on to more people.

I ask you, if you’re faced with this same temptation, to not walk through that door. Let what will happen run its course. Trust your God and don’t run. Don’t be turned by the words of the misled and the false.


Robert’s, as follows:

I used to have a mission in life. I knew where I was headed, and I knew where I would be when I died.

I watched my Lord and Savior get eaten by the Quiet. And I know that all of humanity is lost, now. Everyone who ever existed was murdered, all at once.

Now there’s nothing but me, the city I used to use for transport, and ten thousand people scattered around it. It walls off and eats some of them, every so often. They’re just fuel for the machinery until it all winds down.

I was told that I had a part in the big picture. I thought I was going to do something big and important in the Ludus Deorum. But now I have a flock without an afterlife. Some of these poor souls weren’t even aware of the real gods.

I wander this place a lot of the time, waiting for it to eat me. It doesn’t, and I never know why.

There are a lot of suicides here. I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone ended up dead after a couple weeks more. None of us were prepared for this, so I hope this serves as a useful warning to whoever’s out there on the other side. Maybe you can prepare.

I’d suggest, to the servants out there, that you kill as many people as you can and help to spare them from this fate.


Here’s Gina, as follows:

Guys, I know this isn’t real. I know the rest of you are mad for me agreeing to do this, but I just really wanted the paper. So I could write this.

The Devourer is just tempting us, sending these things to give us false hope. It’s playing with us, and I’m not playing along. I’ve been here longer than any of you, and I need you to understand that you’re being tricked.

The Devourer can make you see things. It’s making you believe that the world is gone, and it’s trying to make you think that the rest of its kind is dead. These are all just tricks.

If you’re smart, you’re going to follow my example. There are plenty of sharp objects lying around here, so don’t pussy out when the time comes.

No one makes it out of this thing’s belly alive. Don’t act like you’re special. The world hasn’t magically ended to give you hope. The twisted game they’re all playing is still going on, and we’re still going to die. I’m just choosing when.

[Note: I’m Carol, the person who arranged for all of these to be collected. A lot of these letters seem to be disappearing, so I put the ones I could in a safe, and someone else put this one inside.

I don’t recall anyone visiting a girl named Gina, or any bodies being found, so this could be a prank. But if it is, it’s a sick one, even by current standards. I’m including it anyway, and whoever’s on the other side can sort out if it’s real or not.]