

Here’s Gina, as follows:

Guys, I know this isn’t real. I know the rest of you are mad for me agreeing to do this, but I just really wanted the paper. So I could write this.

The Devourer is just tempting us, sending these things to give us false hope. It’s playing with us, and I’m not playing along. I’ve been here longer than any of you, and I need you to understand that you’re being tricked.

The Devourer can make you see things. It’s making you believe that the world is gone, and it’s trying to make you think that the rest of its kind is dead. These are all just tricks.

If you’re smart, you’re going to follow my example. There are plenty of sharp objects lying around here, so don’t pussy out when the time comes.

No one makes it out of this thing’s belly alive. Don’t act like you’re special. The world hasn’t magically ended to give you hope. The twisted game they’re all playing is still going on, and we’re still going to die. I’m just choosing when.

[Note: I’m Carol, the person who arranged for all of these to be collected. A lot of these letters seem to be disappearing, so I put the ones I could in a safe, and someone else put this one inside.

I don’t recall anyone visiting a girl named Gina, or any bodies being found, so this could be a prank. But if it is, it’s a sick one, even by current standards. I’m including it anyway, and whoever’s on the other side can sort out if it’s real or not.]

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